#NFT: Soulmate Dog | Would you like to know this touching story?
Princess, the sea and the sunset, an immortalized memory on NFT Showroom. Would you like to know this touching story?
Princesa, el mar y la puesta del sol. un recuerdo inmortalizado en NFT Showroom. ¿Te animas a c

NFT: Moods Dogs #4 | Lovely Dog
The fourth release of my NFT Collection: "Moods Dogs," captures the essence of Isabella. Would you like to know the details?
La cuarta entrega de mi Colección de NFT: "Moods Dogs", captura la esencia de Isabella. ¿

Thorns in the #monomad challenge | Espinas en el desafío #monomad
Cacti have always seemed to me the most interesting plants in the world. Their level of adaptation, their resistance and resilience, their peculiar way of rewarding patience. Those are the reasons why in my dad's tropical garden, between Ant

The story behind my 3rd NFT | La historia detrás de mi 3er NFT
Every NFT in my "Moods Dogs" Collection has a story behind it, this one is a special one.
Cada NFT en mi Colección "Moods Dogs" tiene una historia detrás, esta es especial.

NFT: Moods Dogs #2 | Playfull Dog
Greetings my Alien friends, I present to you: Moods Dogs #2 | Playfull Dog, the second NFT of my "Moods Dogs" Collection, available at

Sometimes what for some people is unimportant, for others is a storehouse of memories. That is the case of this peculiar nail on one

Happy Crazy Dog: My first minted NFT artwork | Mi primera obra de arte NFT
Just a day before the end of the year I received the pleasant

Power Up Day - El primero de muchos! | Power Up Day - The first of many!
Hace a penas unas horas, publicaba en mi cuenta de Twitter (motivado por la tend

Representación gráfica de un sentimiento | Graphic representation of a feeling
Existen ciertos sentimientos que solo podemos percibir aquellos que nacimos en una isla. No se si esos sentimientos estarán provocados por los altos valores de humedad relativa o por el echo de sabernos arropados en todas direcciones por esa

When Romeo does not arrive on time, Juliet waits patiently for him.
The stories a

Sunsets in Luanda | Atardeceres en Luanda
My second post on Hive, A Cuban's Chronicle in Angola | Crónica de un cubano en Angola is a clue to how my days passed between

Me han robado el corazón
Siempre he si